GSA Alliant 2
Alliant 2 Quick Facts:
- GSA Alliant 2 Contract #47QTCK18D0037:
- SF33
- Master Contract
- Labor Rates
- MODs:
- Tyto Government Solutions, INC.
Cage Code : 7N699
DUNS # 00-968-3442
- Parent Company – Tyto Athene, LLC.
Cage Code: 0TPR9
DUNS # 786457689
- Points of Contact
- Certifications -ISO 9001:2015, CMMI-DEV (ML3), CMMI-SVC(ML2)
- Insurance – CONTRACT INSURANCE meets threshold stated in FAR Subpart
28.307-2 LIABILITY, and expires on 8/21/2022.
- GSA Alliant 2
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
The scope of the Alliant GWAC includes any and all components of an integrated Information Technology (IT) solution, including all current and any new technologies which may emerge during the life cycle of the Contract, and IT systems and services in support of National Security Systems, as defined in FAR. Alliant 2 has a $50 Billion program ceiling and a five-year base period with one five-year option.
With GSA’s Alliant 2 Contract, government agencies can obtain a single source of integrated IT services and access to “best in class” private sector IT services. Its broad array of features and benefits include:
- Allows for long-term planning on large-scale programs
- Offers flexibility and supports all contract types (i.e., fixed price, cost reimbursement, labor-hour and time-materials)
- Adheres to pre-competed and streamlined ordering procedures
- Accommodates federal guidelines regarding enterprise architecture and other IT compliance standards and protocols
If your agency is among the many which have used the GSA Alliant contract in the past, you know how flexible, comprehensive and effective it has been at delivering the IT Solutions you need. The Alliant 2 contract apple has not fallen far from the tree. AT&T is proud to have been awarded the Alliant 2 contract.
The Alliant 2 Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) has a $50 billion ceiling, one five-year base period and another five-year optional period of performance. This provides the runway for providing Anything IT to the federal government for the next decade. It may also be used by any federal entity to obtain IT Services and Solutions anywhere in the world.
Technical Flexibility
Like its predecessor, Alliant 2’s technical scope is comprehensive and includes access to anything needed for complete IT Solutions.
The contract’s scope includes support areas such as infrastructure, professional services, service platforms, hardware, software, software development tools, customer relationship management, interface and information delivery mechanisms, process automation, business management, back office and support services, IT management services, controls and oversight, planning, supplies and even construction. Telecommunications connectivity and ancillary services are also included when they are integral to, and necessary for, the IT services-based outcome.
Cutting Edge Options
Add to these areas cutting edge elements like Internet of Things, Data Analytics, Biometrics, IT Security, Cloud Computing and “as a service” cloud offerings and it’s not hard to see why industry analysts expect Alliant 2 to be the premier contract vehicle for IT solutions over the next decade. Like its predecessor contract, Alliant 2’s technical scope is also mapped to both the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) and Department of Defense Enterprise Architecture. As a result, when new technology is developed and introduced it automatically qualifies for acquisition using Alliant 2.
Procurement Flexibility
The Alliant 2 contract vehicle has retained the streamlined design of the original Alliant contract which made it the most popular GWAC in all of the Federal Government. In addition to offering Assisted Acquisition Services through GSA, Alliant 2 also continues to offer delegation of authority options. This feature enables agencies to compete and administer their own task awards – providing a direct order/direct bill relationship between the agency client and their contractor. This also results in increased agency command and control over the individual task along with one of the lowest contract access fees in all of government.
Covering The Bases And Saving Time
Alliant 2 has a 5 year base period with another 5 year option period. The contract offers all major contract types (Firm Fixed Price, Time and Materials, Labor Hour, Cost-Plus, Cost Reimbursement and Hybrid designs).
Task orders are competed among a cadre of some of the most intensely screened and experienced technology contractors available today. Tasks are also constructed and awarded at the individual task order level. This speeds the procurement process by eliminating the need to list offerings and prices on a master contract. Labor categories have been pre-competed, are publicly listed and determined to be fair and reasonable. This further accelerates your procurement process.

Contact Us
Alliant 2, GSA’s premier enterprise GWAC, is a multiple-award, indefinite delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) offering comprehensive and flexible IT solutions worldwide. Alliant 2 provides best-value Information Technology (IT) solutions to federal agencies.